Leader of the Conservative Party
Mr David Cameron MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Health
Mr.Andrew Lansley CBE MP
Email lansley@parliament.uk
Website www.andrewlansley.co.uk
Dear Sirs,
We thank you for your reply to Miss Pauline Johnson from Leeds and hope that you can furnish us with some important and urgent clarifications.
In your reply, you stated the following... "The amendments made to the water Act 2003 allow an SHA to direct a water company to fluoridate the water supply in an area, where it is in the interest of public health. The SHA must first consult with the local community and businesses in the affected area, to ensure that there is sufficient support. " This is not actually the case as a study of both the 2003 legislation and its effect on Local Communities and the consultation process shows.
When the legislation is studied, it will be seen that it not only gives the right to the Strategic Health Authorities to overule even a 100 percent local objection to fluoridation, but actually compells the Water Companies to add fluoride. This can be shown by looking at the results of polls and consultations in Hampshire and Southampton and elsewhere across the UK. You also say in your letter that you " have no objection to Strategic health Authorities initiating water fluoridation if that is what their local communities are calling for, but I do not see why the Government should seek to press them to do so. I believe the strategic Health Authorities should consult their local communities about these issues, if and when it is deemed appropriate.
Friends of the Earth would agree with the latter part of your reply, but we go further, we too do not see why any Government should seek to press or compell the SHAs to behave in this way but we are fully aware that this is exactly what the current government is doing. Only a qualified medical practitioner can legally prescribe medication to an individual, having first established the patients general state of health and any medication which the patient may already be receiving and of course who also consents to this action. Only then can a doctor prescribe a carefully and scientifically planned dosage program which he must continually monitor.
Mass medication quite clearly fails to meet all these criteria and is thus an abandonment of long established medical and scienfic good practice as it takes no heed of dosage variations, caused by varying water consumtion and additional fluoride in the diet from other sources. It also opens the Government to the possibility of Legal Action which is already being considered in additon to the Southampton Judicial Review currently underway.
Despite this clear abandonment of normal practice, the Current Government has spent tens of millions of pounds promoting this via the recently abandoned British Fluoridaton Society formerly under the chairmanship of Mr Andy Burnham MP. Mr Burnham was promoted to Health Minister but had to be reminded by our campaigners of his conflict of interest and was forced to resign his Chair. If all this was not bad enough, the current Government has at the same time frightened away thousands of experienced dentists leaving dental services in many rural areas and some urban areas, in a pitiful state and the number of NHS dentists badly depleted.
Our members and other organisations in our network indicate massive and sustained objection to the dangerous and discredited use of fluoride and the unacceptable practive of mass medication. Furthermore a growing number have already or are prepared in future to refuse to pay for water contaminated with what is actually toxic industrial waste.
Friends of the Earth Nationally and its Local Groups Network are not alligned with any political party and we guard our independence carefully. We do however respect the precautionary principle and examples of good practice, frequently naming and shaming polluters in both the Public and Private sectors. We are consequently recommending that all our members and supporters carefully vet all candidates in all Local and National Elections with particular emphasis on their views of fluoridation via mass medication and refuse to either support, recommend or vote for any of these, who are not prepared to reject the practice of fluoridation and the allegedly legal methods of forcing this upon the public, irrespective of their Political affiliation.
For all the reasons mentioned above, we are hoping to persuade those who seek Government or public office to abandon all support for wastefull and discredited practices in the NHS such as fluoridation. In the meantime, we thank you for your time and consideration in thismattter and look forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully
Brian Jackson
Friends of the Earth Local Groups
Fluoridation campaign.
Many hands can make light work of course so we would be very graeful if other Campaigners on this network can also help by phoning or writing to individual candidates in their areas to ask for their views on fluoride and fluoridation. and by forwarding the responses they receive back to us so we can add them to the list. This will not only help us to avoid reinventing the wheel and give us ammunition with which to confront successful election candidates in the coming months and help us to focus them upon their election pledges.
Southampton candidates oppose flouride plans
BBC News
... Southampton have said they opposed plans to add fluoride to the city's tap water. ... Campaign group Hampshire Against Fluoridation and other supporters ...
Friends of the Earth would disagree with the statement made by the Conservative Candidate about a Referendum. How can it be possible for a group of people who support fluoridation to impose it upon all the people via the water supply. Even if friends of the Earth thought that fluoride was a good idea which we certainly and definitely do not, how could we impose it upon all other people. All medication should be a private matter between a doctor and an individual patient. and of course with the consent of the patient. I occasionally take an aspirin if i have a headache but it would be absurd for me to insist that readers of this should also take an aspirin, absurd and totally unacceptable. Consequenltly a referendum with binding results is completely unacceptable. If people wish to have fluoride, its widely accessible from toothpaste, tablets or even tea and individuals have every right to self administer, under medical supervision if necessary but they have no right to decide the matter for others. Similarly the PCTs, the SHA. the Council, the BDA and Uncle Tom Cobley also have no rights of imposition on the public. A Majority is not a Medical Qualification
Brian Jackson Friends of the Earth Local Groups Fluoride Campaign