Saturday, 17 January 2009


Anna Bligh the well known fluoride poisoner and two other Ministers in her Queensland government are either being maliciously misquoted or are clearly insane. If the following report is to be believed. According to a GreenDay Media exclusive report forwarded by a Google Alert. " The Bligh Government is To Consider More Medications In Tap Water - including Chemicals To Fight Depression, Headaches And Obesity. What follows could easily be a hoax but as she has undoubtedly already made many enemiesi i would welcome any verification i can get from Australia. If any of this is true however, i cannot think of anything i have read which is more chilling since the speeches of Hitler leading up to World War II.

"A Government source has revealed that Anna Bligh has been approached by leading chemical companies eager to add ‘community benefits’ to tap water.The Government has expressed interest in ‘tap water therapies’, and recently added fluoride to Brisbane region’s
water supply to fight tooth decay.

Bligh has become an ‘instant celebrity’ in the eyes of the drug and chemical companies,’ a spokesman for ChemWatch reported. ‘Manufacturers see tap water as a great profit stream, and are seeking Government approval for at least 15 more additives.’

‘We are interested in the health and welfare of the community, and we’ll consider these additives as they are presented to us,’ Bligh said. "We believe that besides tooth decay, there are a number of health issues we can help the public overcome. We know most people are lazy, they are uneducated, and they are a burden on the hospital system, so we believe we have a mandate to protect them by whatever means we have at our disposal.
’Despite warnings from scientists worldwide, and evidence that fluoride was a poison, Bligh was adamant. ‘I don’t care what the scientists say. My reports are all I need. I don’t care about community protests, and meetings, and all those letters and complaints I receive.
My job is to work with the chemical companies, to deliver medications, whether people like it or not. If people don’t like it, they can go live in Fiji.’
Our agenda is part of the global push to fight obesity, depression, anxiety, headaches, chronic fatigue and even cancer with tap water therapy. We have fluoride, and we can do a lot more given the research I have seen.’ Bligh added.
I hope for all our sakes that this is a hoax but in the meantime, I advise anyone encountering a deranged woman foaming at the mouth to avoid all contact and notify the police and veterinary authorities immediately. Do not have a go!

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