Sunday 31 May 2009


I remember during the 1960's being told by assorted Government ministers that the future lay in the development of Nuclear Power We were told that it was wonderful, safe and best of all, "so cheap that it was not worth metering" Even Tony Benn the first Minister of Technology under the Wilson Government recited this mantra. Sadly for Mr Benn, he had been sold a lie. and only in 1979 did he learn that from a senior scientist in the Generating Board, that while he was actually a minister, and unknown to him, plutonium from our civil nuclear power stations was being sent to America for their own military programme. To cut a long story short, not only was nuclear power far from safe, it was also three times as expensive as coal as a means of generating electricity and this did not even include the cost of safe disposal of the radioactive waste or the clean up of contaminated sites. There is still no safe means of disposal to date and there is not even a reasonable estimate of the long terms costs of disposal and clean up. The only thing of any value was in fact the plutonium. True it was deadly and very long lasting but it did make extremely good nuclear bombs and warheads. This gave it great value to the military-industrial boys and all they had to do was tell lots of lies about its safety and value for money. Mr Benn, like you and I was being treated like mushrooms, ie; kept in the dark and fed on shit.

This will sound awfully familiar to those who follow the fluoride and fluoridation story. A toxic bi product, deadly to life and the environment, sold to the population by vested interests under the guise of something beneficial and useful. This shows only that if a lie is shouted loud enough and long enough it becomes the truth or at least orthodoxy which is just another word for gullable idiots or vested interests with much to gain from keeping the mushrooms (you and I) in the dark. Its little wonder that MPs and Ministers in our Government cannot be trusted to claim only those expenses they are legally and morally entitled to, they are so hardened to their wickedness that they wouldnt recognise the truth if it kicked them in the goolies.

I think i will be voting for the Greens in the Local and European Elections this coming Thursday. We have not had many Green candidates in my part of the world so i will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are not telling lies about abandoning all fluoridation and hope that they keep their expenses claims under a close watch. Clearly we cannot vote for the main parties who still believe in First to the Trough so its got to be whatever reasonable alternatives are available and of the smaller parties, the Greens are the only ones who are not, nutcases or thugs and who know what sustainability actually means.

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