Thursday, 11 December 2008


I was so enraged at the insulting pile of crap about fluoride and anti-fluoride campaigners that appeared in The Australian yesterday, (see previous post) that i decided to sleep on it rather than rise to the bait. I needn't of worried however. Good folk all the way from Melbourne to Bodiddlyboing Idaho rose up en masse and gave them a huge piece of their mind.
They were not at all impressed by the badly written and badly spelt ordure they had read, had noticed the lack of science, facts and balance, and, most of all, deeply resented being referred to as "Nutters". (Not that they were surprised of course) Perhaps Rupie Murdoch or whoever now owns this rag, should have a serious word with D D McNichols about the portents in the tea leaves.
All newspapers with more than two brain cells to rub together, like it or not, have to be cognisant of the increasing pressures from the Internet, Cell Phones, Blogs etc which are stealing their readers, literally in torrents. Gone are the days when the likes of Robert Maxwell could dictate the news from his own little black book of hidden agendas, and, if papers are to survive at all, they had better start taking notice of the growing competition, the shrinking advertising and the rising impatience of the public with shrink-wrapped and homogenised misinformation which the traditional media seem unable to abandon.
In the case of The Australian, they might wish to start by reading one of their own pieces written on the 15th November this year which says.....
"The more serious challenge is the complacency and condescension that festers at the heart of some newsrooms. The complacency stems from having enjoyed a monopoly and now finding they have to compete for an audience they once took for granted..... The condescension that many show their readers is an even bigger problem. It takes no special genius to point out that if you are contemptuous of your customers, you are going to have a hard time getting them to buy your product. Newspapers are no exception. "
And which "hack" wrote that you may ask? Step forward Mr Rupert Murdoch... Doh!
I am sure that you, like me, enjoy watching a bit of grovelling and large slices of humble pie being chomped from time to time and maybe it is hoping for rather a lot to expect it from The Australian but surprise, surprise, miracles do still happen, especially when the massed anti-fluoridation choir sing in close harmony. Those who still purchased the Australian the following day will no doubt enjoy this. .......
"Rarely has one paragraph brought such a flood of angry emails, most of which commented at length about the above-mentioned conspiracy. Strewth, it seems, is in league with lying dentists, politicians, newspaper editors, television news presenters and scientists, all of whom promote the addition of fluoride to water supplies while claiming it reduces tooth cavities. The truth, according to the legion of correspondents who wrote at enormous length, is that fluoride will kill us all. "
Come on Australian, Say No To Fluoride
Nuff Said ?

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